Page name: Latium 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-16 15:29:29
Last author: DeadHead
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back to the Powers of Old
back to Latium

Vicka slowly moved through the streets of Rome. The city awoke, she was looking forward to sleep a little bit. She entered the inn.

Venator rides at an easy lope through the quiet city. This early only a handful of civilians traipse through the streets, readying themselves for a days work so his progress is unhindered and the ride is swift and pleasant. He closes his eyes for a moment, relishing the morning air on his face as he passes. His red cloak draped over the shining hindquarter of his horse he passes out of the city to the old road that passes through fields of crops, dew clinging to them at this hour. He leans forward, pressing the reins against his stallions neck and, with a sudden burst of power the horse springs to a full gallop. The pair fly down the road, as if on wings. The horses nostrils flared, his eyes wide with excitement, the rider, just the same. Black mane and tail and red cloak flowing behind like shadows trying to keep up.

A bright light forced Vicka to open her eyes. It blinded her, and the room seemed completely white. She turned around, pillow covering her face. Dark again. No.. She had to get out of bed. She was still sleepy. She rose from the bed. It felt like she rose from the dead. The zombie staggered over to a bowl with cold water. The cold water awoke her skin and body. Slowly, the mind followed.
Quickly, she washed up, combed her hair and got dressed.
Vicka walked down to the bar. Got some breakfast. Afterwards, she arranged her hair, viewed herself in the mirror.
And faced the sun in the Latium.

Venator returned from his morning ride, his horse hot and prancing through the street, his rider now ready to face the day and it's challenges.
It was then, he was approaching the inn when he saw her standing there, her dark hair burnished by the still feeble sun. Without hesitation, without considering the consquences of being late for training he reined his horse over to her. The stallion tossed his regal head defiantly and halted, pawing the ground. Venetor looked at Vicka and smiled. "I believe it was you whom I saw in the palace hall yesterday though I did know your face, does your ladyship have a name?"

"oh!" she staggered. He'd seen her at the palace? He didn't seem to mind though.
Didn't this man serve Ceasar? Venator..
"My name is Vicka. Who are you? Uhm, if I may ask?" He was younger than she'd thought. And more handsome. All this caught her off guard. A servant of Ceasar, which she ought to dislike. But, he looked so kind..

Smiled, "My name is Venetor my lady Vicka, Luitenant for the legion." He smiled again, "If you are returning to the palace...can I offer you a ride?" He extended a hand, down from the impatient horse whom he had on a taught rein.

"Oh, sure!" she said and smiled. Well, she hadn't planned on going there yet, but.. How could she decline? She took his hand, and got on in front of him. "So you are going to the palace the?" she asked.

Venator smiled again at her as he pulled her onto the horse. Gods what was he thinking, he had work to do, orders to pass out and he didn't care. He placed an arm around her slender waist to hold her on and moved the horse off at a smooth lope. His mind in a disarray of thoughts.

Vicka sat still, smiling, in front of Venetor. The horse moved swiftly, yet gently. What the hell do you think you're doing?, a feeling of responsibility lashed out at her. Her smile faded. I'm not doing anything wrong, she tried to convince herself. Well, it might be that I am just spying on him.. If anyone asks, I'm just undercover. But what am I really doing? He's Ceasars subject. This.. She didn't want to think about it. She turned her head and looked at him.
"Venetor? Uhm.. How come.. Who are you? You appear out of nowhere, you didn't even know my name. Why do you care for me?"
she asked. His arms held her in a thight grip, he was so close. She felt a strange warm feeling rise from her stomach. Her cheeks turned slightly red, hinting of a blush to come.

Altus had left the colosseum that night, pursued by gaurds for hours he had managed to evade them, how, he didn't even know. He slowed to a walk in a shadowed back streetm his white coat a brilliant as the moon above, and the pains of his wounds came to him, suddenly as the adrenaline that hed kept him going through the night wore off. His hind leg where the tendon had been cut shook violently in protest if he tryed to bear weight on it. Limping heavily he found his way into a dank ally and collapsed there. The dried blood caked in his fur the only flaw to his silver coat. He thought now what it had come to...expected to perform for the entertainment of men. He, who had been endowed with powers by the ancient pagan gods...those powers would have helped tonight. But, like the nature, like any other wild thing his powers were lost to him so long as man held dominion over his fate. It was with these thoughts that the great cat succumbed to exhaustion and injury and he saw no more. The only sign of life now was his shallow breathing in sleep.
Venetor kept riding, in truth he had no answer for that. He had felt...felt something odd yesterday and then seen her. And he just...well, he just sort of...He sighed and looked at her just beginning to blush.

The man stayed silent. "Venetor? What? Is something wrong?"

"No my lady...I was just thinking." He shook his head, seeking to change the question to one he wished an answer for, "Do you frequent the palace my lady?"

Vicka tensed. "At sometimes.. I used to be a visitor of Ceasar, but it seems he is of no need of me anymore. Actually, I do not need to go there today. I'd rather step of here, if there isn't anything else you wanted from me." Her heart sank. So it was just that moment, she wondered..

Venator had felt her tense beneath him and while the Legionaire in him wondered at it the thought was shoved to the back of his mind and he regarded her with his dark eyes, "Are you sure my lady? I have not offended you I hope?" He looked truely sorry.

How cute..she thought, but grabbed hold of herself, almost.
"No, no, of course not. I'm just hungry. It would be lovely if you could join me, but I suppose you have tasks to do.." she replied.
Vicka was confused. She didn't know wether she liked this man or not. She certainly wasn't supposed to, and in any case, he could be dangerous to her. And to the rebellion.
But her heart wanted to forget that. She had been lonely for a while. Consoled mainly by working for Lucius, which wasn't exactly a pleasure.

The Legionaire looked torn as he helped lower her from the horse. He would like nothing better than to break fast with her this morning but, the sun was alreay high in the sky and he knew there would be hell to pay when he came in this late. He shook his head solemly, "I cannot my lady...I must return to the palace. Perhaps another time?"

"Oh, well, what did I expect. But yes, another time! How can I contact you, please tell me!"

Venetor smiled. "I'm not hard to find. If I'm not at the palace I'm probably on patrol." Without thinking he raised her hand he still had in his, leaning down from his horse and lightly kissed the back of it. He flashed her another smile and rode off...he was in so much trouble and yet...he didn't care.

Vicka blushed. She held the hand he had kissed and watched him ride. The wind got hold of his red cloak and started playing with it. She smiled, she felt light and careless.
She stood still to watch him ride away.

Venetor rode off, winding his steed through the milling crowd back to the palace.

Vicka shook her head. What should she do?
She decided to get something to eat. The young woman worked her way through merchants and salesmen, those who rised early to work. Passing a dark alley, she caught a glimpse of something bright in there. Something that didn't fit in. She stopped and stared. There was a weak sound of breathing. It could be a human. She walked slowly towards the sound. Then she realized it had to be an animal. Four legs, tail.. "Oh, gods!" she uttered. It was a lion.
It was sleeping. As she stared, she noticed heavy wounds, and lots of blood covering the ground. "Why.." she whispered.
Pomona and Bacchus appeared in the Latium, invisible to mortal beings.
"Ah, well Pomona. Where be the needing?
Oh, but look at the beautiful sunset.. " Bacchus smiled and watched the sun for a moment.

"Hmmm, yes, It's fascinating. I always get very sensational at this time of day, ah!"
Daska had fallen asleep in the middle of the square, shifting into her tree form. Embarrassed, she shifted back and left the Latium to the trees to feed and rest properly.
Leonor and Sarconia entered Latium from the palace. It was crowded and full of bustling people. THe environment only made the place more exciting. Leonor smiled.

Sarconia giggled as they passed a group of young men, and looked at Leonor. "This will be fun." She said, the slight breeze making her eyes bright and her nose red.

Yes, Leonor thought, it'll help keep my mind off of troubles...and Ikilios. "I heard there were Roman legionares wandering about Latium. Oh, I'd love to see them! Such glorious armor and men, they say...I've never seen a soldier except for the guards." Leonor said.

"Well I've heard that the leigonairs
are very good looking." Sarconia said grinning. "But until I see one for myself... I'll not tell a soul that they are." She laughed.

"TO tell you the truth, I've never seen Caesar with a centurion or a legionair." Leonor thought out loud. She began to worry. DId Ikilios have the support of the army? Stop it! Leonor had to stop worrying so much about Caesar.

Sarconia glanced at Leonor. "Is some thing wrong?" She asked, her eyes worried.

"Sarconia, I worry too much...but I'm hoping that with you around, I'll remember how to have fun again," Leonor said with a smile.

Sarconia grinned and tickled her. "Well I hope I can help you with that." She said laughing.

The lion still did not move. He was no ordinary lion, that much was certain. The size of an average horse, massive paws and sabre like canine teeth nearly ten inches a cat of prehistoric times. His sides rose and fell with his pained breath. He was sprawled as though having collapsed there. His snow white coat was no burnished with gold by the rising sun, bronzing the blood of the wounds. His right eye was caked with the brown crust of dried blood and it was impossible to tell if the injury penetrated to the eye itself. His right hind leg too bore a vicious slash across the tendon of his hock (for those not familliar with anatomy the hock is the same structure as a human ankle and likewise the main tendon there is the same as a human's achilles). The leg was swollen and it looked as though a great deal of blood had flowed down over his leg before he fell...And lastly, his left side he was laying on, only an end of a slash across his ribs could be seen. His mane was thick and white as his body. And laying there in the morning sun the scene looked like a tragic painting.

Sarconia stopped dead in her tracks... looking at the.. thing. "L.. L. .. Leo.. Leonore." She managed to get out, "L.. L. Look at that thing!" She said, her eyes frightened.

The lion doesn't stir but takes only a deep breath, his sides suddenly rising and then falling with a sigh.

Two hounds walk out of the other end of the street where Atlus was laying. The hounds make their prenscence known to the lion. They start sniffing Atlus over. When either one came to a wound they licked it clean and the wound started to heal. They were coming towards Atlas's ribs when they noticed their audience and stopped to see what the humans would do.

Sarconia just stood there... shocked..

*Altus* stirred then. His eye that was not maimed opened and blinked a few times, a brilliant pale shade of blue. His whiskers twitched and he lifted his massive head slowly...ever so slowly and halfheartedly beared his teeth at the hounds whom skittered back as the lion's head was easily equivalent to their own weight. He turned then, surveying the people that had gathered around. Memories flooded back into his mind...his capture, confinement...last night. He moved to pull himself to his feet. Six inch long black claws tore into the stoney ground of the allyway but he found his wounds were still to fresh and his hind leg would not support his slightest weight. He slumped back to the ground, his ears flattened so low they seemed to vanish into his luxurious mane and he watched the women...and the dogs...with a gaurded look as though daring them to come nearer. A reaction expected of any animal corners and wounded.

The hounds were not intimidated, for they served an even greater mistress. They lowered their heads submissively and tentatively approached Atlus again hoping he would let them clean his wounds. One hound decided to protect the women who had found Atlus. So that hound sat in front of Sarconia and Leonor and waited while the other hound approached Atlus.

Sarconia gasped as the hound came to sit infront of her and Leonor. She blinked, her eyes wide. She looked at the hound, and realized that this was no normal animal. "Thank you." She said to the animal softly.

The lion snarled, his hackles raised. And made a lunge at the hound, swiping at it with a dinner-plate sized paw armed with four dagger-like claws...not enough to actually strike but enough to ward the unwanted animal off. He was tired, in pain and because of it his vision was blurred...he surveyed the group standing there defensively. Watching their blurred forms in anticipation.

The hound in front of the girls just twitched an ear back in aknowledgement.

The hound warned by the snarl went insubstantial when the paw tried to swipe him out of the way, then returned to normal when the paw was withdrawn. The hound took another tentative step forward, not threatening in the least. Either Atlus would pass out or the hounds would have a fight on their hands.

Sarconia rested her hand on the hounds head, and scratched its ear. She smiled.

The hound permitted it then ducked out from under the hand, standing still. The hound was perfectly still, you could barely tell that it breathed. The hound hoped that the women would follow her example.

The lion layed back down though his head stayed up, his good eye fixed on those gathered around him. Panting slightly from the effort he had exerted...tolling his resources in his weakened state. His tail flicked in frustration. His leg had started to seep fresh blood since he had tryed to use it and was almost enough alone to cause him to lose conciousness once more.

The approaching hound, watched as Atlus passed out. He went up and licked clean Atlus's bad eye. Immediately started to look better and stopped ozzing puss. The hound stood back and looked the lion over. The hound decided that the wounded leg was the worst and went to work on the leg.

The other hound relaxed slightly. It wagged it's tail in agreement to it's brother's choice of wounds. The hound close to the girls took on a more feminine look and went to place her head under Sarconias hand to tell her it was safe to move.

Altus had only ~almost~ passed out...he narrowed his eye and growled at the persistant hounds...He didn't understand what they wanted or why they wouldn't leave him alone. He bared his hackles and tryed to get up again but his leg buckled and a spasm of pain shot through him and he fell back to the ground and lay still...not unconcious but panting in agony and unable to move...

The hound closest to Atlus tenced when he moved. Yet he continued his walk to the back injured leg. When he reached it he started licking, keeping one eye on Atlus and one eye on the wound. It was starting to look less vicious and the blood was flowing slower and slower until it stoped completely. The hound quickly finished, the wound would need time and rest to heal fully now. The hounds had done all they could. The hound joined his sister and the four of them watched to see the lion would do.

Sarconia looked from the hounds, to the lion, then to Leonor. Her face in a confused expression.

Altus lay still...his breathing slowing from the ragged panting. His head lay on the ground...his unscathed eye closed as though the lion were resigning himself to this fate. His leg did indeed feel better but the tendon itself have been slashed would take a long time to heal if indeed it ever did...He felt the hounds stop, heard them move away and he sighed heavily. Lifting his regal head once more and shaking the dirt from his mane. He turned to the group gathered around him...they were coming into better focus than before but still exhaustion plagued him...he wondered what they would try now and chose to lay there, and reserve his energy.

Leonor shook herself out of shock. THough it was dangerous, Leonor felt somewhat pity for the creature. "Sarconia, should we sneak him into my room? He is need of care," Leonor said softly, keeping her eyes on the lion. THen she laughed at herself, rather loudly. How on earth were they going to move him anyhow??? Leonor took one cautious step towards the lion, watching for his reaction.

The first reaction didn't come from Atlus. It came from the hounds in front of the women. And the reaction was a growl, low and deep, from both hounds. They were safe where they were, the lion wasn't dumb and it was hungry the hounds could tell. It was a predator and even they might be out manouvered if the lion wanted a quick meal

Altus wasn't hungry...his aching body would most likely reject food were he to partake of any...he was tired. He blinked slowly at them and lay his head back upon the ground, watching them pensively with the icy blue eye that was visible. If only his voice were not connected with his other powers...

Leonor ignored the hounds, studying the lion and the gleam in its eyes. "Sarconia, I don't think he means any harm, so long as we don't..." Leonor said softly, taking another step towards it. She wanted to smooth out his beautiful fur and brush it till it shone in its majesty once more. She wanted to wash it clean of blood and see him rippling with energy. It grieved her intensely to see it so weak.

Altus still did not move...he didn't think he could even if he wanted to. He simply watch Leonor calmly...there was no gleam in his more fight to be had in him. Only a soft expression of one uncertain of their future.

Leonor reached out ever so slowly until her fingertips made the lightest of brushes against the lion's forehead.

Altus pressed his ears back in submission and closed he eyes as she touched him. It was all he could do.

Leonor let out a sigh of relief, splaying her hand out gently on its head and smoothing out the fur. She wanted to take him home, befriend him. SHe wanted to see him live. "What did this to," she thought out loud in a whisper, not expecting an answer. How was she going to get him to the palace?

The lion simply kept his eyes closed, waiting expectantly. He had given up by this point. The only motion from him was a slight wince as her stroke sent a twing of pain through the gash across his right eye which was no visible through the matted blood and fur.
Daska sensed the problem at the square and rose, uprooting herself and walking that way, shifting into her nymph form as she went into the square. She bent down beside him and whispered, If you wish, I will help these people carry you to a safer and more sufficient place to clean and treat your wounds. She turned to Leonor. "I can carry him," Her eyes drifted to Atlus, "If you will allow me."

Altus did not respond. He opened his eye and seemed to have decided to try and get to his feet again. He shifted his immense weight. His claws again extending to give him the grip to pull himself up. His legs a newborn foal trying to stand for the first time. Exhaustion had caught up with him and the attempt was a failure...He collapsed again, laying on his side and panting once more from the effort.

"Hazzup," Daska said reprovingly, sliding her hands with effort underneath the enormous body, "That's not the way we do it." She lifted him up by the torso, setting him lightly on his feet, but not without a LOT of effort. She nudged for him to start walking as she held more than half of his weight.

The massive lion swayed unsteadily, his hind leg would still not bear weight and he staggered sideways before managing to balance himself awkwardly on three legs. He was panting again...his sides heaving and his eyes closed, willing the pain to receede.

Daska wrapped her arms around the huge chest, bear-hugging the lion as she supported him. "Come on.." She allowed a branch to sprout out of her elbow and wrap around the lion's bad leg, supporting it. She got down on her knees with the effort to keep the lion from collapsing.

"I shall head over to the palace to prepare a place for him," Leonor said, hurrying off. Leonor quickly headed to the palace

Sarconia smiled mischieveously and left the Latium for the palace

Altus swayed but like an ox at the yolk responded to the encouragement. He placed one foot forward and began to limp onward.

"That's it...Come on..." Daska inched along with him.

Altus allowed himself to be driven, quietly. Still trying to bring the world into focus he trusted the others guidance out of neccesity. Stumbling occasionally. His weak limbs and especially his injured one failing. The massive feline would stagger, but, continued moving on, panting with the immense energy and effort it was taking him.

Daska panted as hard, if not harder than the lion she guided, softening his staggers and falls with her strength. They stumbled slowly out of the Latium to
the Palace.

The hounds decided to help and moved the crowd for the lion and joined them at the palace.


It was early the next morning when Maximus entered the Latium

Aurelius was right on his heels, spotting him in the crowd. "Hey, Maximus!" he called "How did the night shift go?"

Hearing a voice behind him, Maximus quickly turned and saw his commander striding rapidly towards him, "All is well, there were no disturbances." he replied.

Stopping beside Maximus, Aurelius speaks in a hushed tone "Too well. Do you not find it strange that there is so little crime in a city this large. The troops are almost growing bored. Something is brewing, but i know not what it is."

Rising to his feet and glancing around Maximus starts to talk, "I too have grown suspicious of the unnatural peace and quiet that has gripped the city. What you say is true. What good is the night patrol if there is no excitement to look forward to? There have been rumors. But I do not think that this is a safe place to speak of them."

"Right. Let's go to the inn. Not only is there a place to talk, but drink to make the conversation all the more pleasant. Come!" With that the two soldiers made for the inn.
Lucius entered Latium from the palace. He made his way over to a dirty, dark restaurant and entered. He growled in distaste of such a foul area. He looked around and spotted a fat man nearly falling over his seat with laughter. Lucius clenched his teeth and quickly walked towards the man. It did not take Lucius long to catch his attention. THe fat man grinned. "SO, the flower is prepared to come to my home?" the man sneered.

"You still have your part to do before i give her to you," Lucius growled. The fat man chuckled.

"Consider it already finished, my good man! But remember, you are forcing me to lose thrice the price of that gal,"

"Just do it!" Lucius hissed. THe fat man nodded vigorously.

"Alright, alright! No need to get feisty. It will be done before today. Just bring me the girl before tomorrow's night, mysterious one, and i shall burden you no more."

Lucius nodded stiffly and left for the palace once again.
Bacchus had spent a wonderful day with the beautiful goddess Pomona. Seeing her caring for humans more than any of the other gods, it was a special, beautiful sight.
"Pomona dear, you have taught me a great deal! I am in debt to you. But now, let us retreat to the Pantheon shall we? You deserve some rest. I will bring you the finest grapes, and wine, if it is to your liking." He smiled, and bowed for Pomona.
As Leonor and Sarconia had spotted the lion, Vicka had retreated into the shadows.
She had viewed the strange beasts cooperating on aiding the huge lion. And she didn't understand at all.
So the rest of the day she had spent thinking and wandering in the Latium.
Pomona Smiled and said, "Thanx a lot dear. I guess to that we shall go back to the Pantheon. and there I shall be glad to try your fantastic wine."

Bacchus smiled. "I was aware that my wine had quite a rumor, but I never knew it was good enough to let such words slip fair Pomonas toungue. It will be an honor to drink with you." With that, Bacchus took Pomonas hand, and led them both to the Pantheon.
Corragh prowled the evening streets with an almost tangable smugness. Odd as the man was dressed in a torn and filthy tunic. A pair of shabby looking breeches and bit of rope for a belt. He was lean, almost skinny beneath his decreped clothing. His hair was disheveled and just as dirty as his clothing if not more so. Pale gray eyes surveyed passing citizens in predatory manner even though he bore no visible weapons.
Vicka left for the Pantheon.
Malekith arrived in the panteon. but seeing all the guards posted around, he knew an attack was expected soon. He figured that he would serve better at the palace. Besides, Lucius was at the palace, and who better to rid ceasar of an inside conspirator than Malekith himself. Thus, he set off for the palace

Nilmawen walks through the streets, hugging her cloak tightly around herself as she looked for the road that lead towards the market. She kept her eyes on her feet, hoping not to draw the attentions of any drunkards in the night. The streets were empty. Not surprising for this time of night. The lights of the inn and the laughter of men and wenches drifted out to greet her. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Corragh stood...just in the shadows of a narrow alley. Grey eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he watched the woman pass. A sly grin prying the corners of his mouth. He flexed his fingers...longingly almost...he could...

Nilmawen felt the eyes of some unknown thing or person on her and shivered. She stopped and glanced around. When she saw nothing she hurried faster on her way, turning down a dark allyway towards the market.

Corragh pushed himself from the wall. He was a lean man, daresay skinny in more recent times. He moved with skillful grace and speed, trailing this woman quietly. A smirk on his face. He loved this game.

She swallowed, the muscels in her throat working. She felt the presence of someone and she shivered again. The hood of her cloak fell to reveal long black tresses that shone almost blue in the moonlight. She began to trott.

Corragh smirked, thinking to himself 'tha's righ' love...trot on' He picked up the pace a little. Stealing through the shadows his footsteps were fleeting and seemed to echo around her in the quiet street. He let his figue be silhouetted against the moonlit sky for an an instant and then vanished again. The game was indeed a foot.

She gasped as she saw the shadow and flatered for a second. She was certain that she could hear footsteps other then her own. She now began to run, hoping to reach the public.

This was Corragh's que. He couldn't have her ending his fun early now could we. He leapt, nimble, quick to stand in front of her. His gray eyes alight and a crooked grin set upon his face so that his teeth gleamed in the moonlight. His loose clothing hung upon a lean and sinewy form. He looked her over slyly...would she run...would she scream...He found himself half hoping she would. Might make things more interesting. Course, the game would last longer if she didn't.

She gasped, shocked. Her eyes were wide, like a frightened fawn, ready to flee. After collecting her thoughts she turned and started to run, but she didn't scream.

Corragh gave a sneer and skirted around. He was almost frighteningly agile. She nearly ran into him and he grinned. It was an odd grin up close, almost disconnected. "Where ye think ye going' love?" He stepped around her, placing a thing hand on her shoulder. His breath hot on her neck. He knew what she had to be thinking. Shame he thought, he smirked, she was most likely incorrect.

She jumped away and backed up only to hit the wall. "N-nowheres." She watched him closely.

Corragh smirked at her and stroked his stubbly chin in thought for an instant before stepping towards her again with a quickness that was almost reminescent of a bird. He placed his hands on the wall on either side of her head, effectively pinning her there. "Ye know...thar's a wall there." He gave a short bark-like laugh and then abruptly stopped. Fixing her gaze with his.

She winced, turning her head away from his and staring at his hands. She noticed his quickness, which frightened her.

Corragh grinned again and brought his hand up to turn her head back to face him. It was rough, calloused and dirty could have been fine...perhaps long ago. He looked at her, "Wha' d'ye fear most my love?" His face was set in a look of pure sadistic pleasure at his little game.

Tried to jerk her head away from his hand. "I- I fear naught..." A small tremble shook her she moved her hands infront of her as her knee came up and hit him in the groin. Before he could recover she was running again.

Corragh gave a snarl. He recovered quickly and bolted after her. He managed a feeble smile, so she had thought that...shame she was wrong. He caught up with her in a hurry and jumped, swinging a leg deftly and tripping her. He skidded to a halt and turned, looking down at her as she lay where she fell. "So yebewant'nterplayli'tha'eh?" His speech was rushed and an odd glint was now in his eye. "Pity I din't lass."

She groaned and pushed herself up to face him. Her lip was bleeding and she had srapes on her hands.

Corragh sneered down at her. His playful manner was now quite gone and his gray eyes were cold. His lips moved...was he talking to himself...thinking...did he even know he was doing it. He looked down her her, absently running his fingeres through his filthy disheveled light brown hair. Suddenly he spoke aloud. "Th' game be up me'ave lost I'm afraid." This was stated simply and he again gave a quick, avianesque motion a dagger was in his hand.

She panicked and screamed, scrambling away from him. Of course the only ones who would really hear her screams were drunk. Her eyes had tears in them.

Corragh winced at the scream. He looked at her calmly, stepping forward, the fingers clutching the dagger flexing. He canted his head to the side, "Oh, now don't be do'in tha'...i's jest th' end of the game. Ye wouldn't want ter be a poor sport no would ye?" He flashed her a would-be assurring smile.

She stared up at him and quickly withdrew her own dagger. Then standing up at the same time she stabbed his arm and turned, running again.

Corragh was too quick for her, he dodged her attack, her blade only adding another tear to his tattered tunic. He gave a low growl and again sprung after her, he seized a loose stone up from the street and hurled it with an uncanny accuracy. A chink of stone on metal sounded over the footsteps as her dagger was knocked from her hand. He bent low, sprinting forward to cut her off again.

She lifted her robe with her trobbing hand, revealing long slender legs. Her breathing was ragged. She came to an open, to the empty market. Everyone must have cleared out 30 minuets ago. She looked around franticly and hid under an empty booth.

Corragh slowed to a halt...surveying the now empty market with a predatory glint in his eye. He sniffed as though he could somehow smell her out. Crouching, his dagger in one hand, the fingers of the other spread like claws he crept forward. His keen sight noted the fresh disturbances in the ground...frantic. He sneered and followed them. He came within her sight. His bare feet visible to her but sadly of of her malicious reach. He moved on...or so it seemed. Moments passed, in silence.

She held her breath and bite her lip until it bleed. She saw his feet and watched him move. Her heart was beating franticly in her cheast, so hard she thought he would hear it. The blood was gushing in her ears to the point she felt as if she were near some ocean.

The silence dragged on with now sign of him. Nothing, nothing but the eerie mooncast shoadows seemed to accompany her.

She hugged her knees, not sure weather it was safe enough to come out.

A rat scampers out from somewhere, darting past her and back into shadow. Still...the night pressed in in silence around her.

She stifled a scream yet still a small squeak exited her lips. She cursed herself silently for her stupidity.

Still, nothing gave...had he left? It was so quiet.

When nothing happened she quietly crawled out of the booth. Her heart pounded in her ears. The silence was to much.

She would suddenly feel a warm breath on the back of her neck. A thin but strong arm seized hers and pulled it back, another...she felt cold a blade press against the soft flesh of her throat. A smug voice hissed in her ear. "I's a beginning' an end..."

Tears stung the corners of her eyes but she made no sound.

Corragh chuckled to himself. "An' such is life me love..." He pressed the dagger to her throat so that it just began to cut the fair skin. A trickle of blood welled and still the lean man did not relinquish his grip. He smirked and leaned close to whisper in her ear. "Make a wish." She could feel him tense, so close he was to her, she would know what he about to do. His face was lit with a manic excitement, not befitting at all his tone of voice.

::She made an sound of anger.:: Ceaser will hear about this! He does not take to muderers! ::She reached back and elbowed him in the stomach then ducked away from him and raised her fists.::

Corragh stood, allowing his arm to fall and hang loosely at he side as she slipped away...her attempt to elbow him had failed but, in the interest of good sport he had let her loose. He watched her in silence, a benign grin on his thin face.

She swallowed and watched his expression. A cloud passed over the moon and suddenly everything was dark. She turned and ran to nearest street she could find, before he reached her. She groped in the dark as she made her way, trying not to run into things and make it easier for him to find her.

This did not work. Corragh had taken to the night...well...he couldn't be out during the day. He sprung after her, sliding to a halt in front of her before she even reached the sanctuary of the alley. He smirked. "Now I can't 'ave ye running now ca I love? See, tha' doesn't make my life any easier...nor the las to' yers." He again flexed his fingers upon the handle of the dagger. He could just throw it...she'd never stand a chance but that would be too easy. He watched the blood trickle from the cut on her needed to be deeper. He flinched, a sort of odd quick jump. Almost as though he were going to leap her her again but...he acted like he'd heard something. Strange there was nothing to have heard. He faced her, recomposing himself. "Come 'ere lass." He beckoned her forward with a finger.

Her eyes seemed to flash yellow, like a cat's, but in a mere second it was gone, just an illusion. She took a step forward but faltered and raised her hands.:: I shall fight to the death if need be! ::A tavern door closed nearby and the laughter of drunards faded away.::

Corragh gave another bark like laugh. "Well, tha's sort o' the idear isn't it love?" He watched her closely, his gray eyes twinkling with delight. "Le's see wha' ye got lass...come on..." He tensed slightly, watching her with a sort of intensity that was unsettling at least.

::She lashed out and made 3 long scratches on the side of his cheek. Then she jumped back, waiting to see his reaction.::

Corragh gave a satisfied sneer. As she lashed out he seized her wrist and twisted it back. A foot came from below using her momentum to knock her to the ground. He kept hold of her wrist though and peered down at her, a look of what might have been surprise had it not vanished so quickly. "Tha' all ye got? I reckon yer ready now are ye?" He made an absentminded gesture with the dagger as he said this. "Ye can't escape."

::Sneered at him.:: "So you think!" ::Let's go of her foot and slams down hard on the ground, bringing him with her. She rolled over so her was under and tried to take controle of his dagger.::

Corragh however had obviously had some sort of training somewhere. He used her lack of it and gave a kick which rolled the pair one more time so that he was on top, pinning her down. He brought the dagger up again so the cold metal blade rested against her throat..."Go on girl...cry fer 'elp." He lowered his face nearer to hers..."I dare ye."

::Stayed silent, not giving in to his tempting. Her pride was much to prized for that.::

Corragh smirked, "I thought not." He pressed the dagger more firmly to her neck.

::Winced, waiting, she knew she was gonna die now and there is nothing she do to prevent it.::

Is out walking down the streets towards the market, he hears a strange noise and runns to she what is going on and he pulls out a throwing kinfe and throws it at Corragh's knee ( the back of it ) and hits him droping him to the ground making him drop his dagger.

Corragh stopped, the dagger just about to slide easily across the girls throat. He had definately heard something that time and ducked his head as a poorly aimed dagger flew past it. It would have hit his knee had he been standing. He narrowed his eyes. An intruder. He turned back to the woman, gave her a grin and sardonic kiss and then leapt nimbly to his feet, his own dagger still clutched in his hand and ready. He stepped to the side, half-crouched and ready to spring.

::She sputtered and wiped her lips. When he turned away she pushed him till he fell then ran behind the intruder.::

James pulls out a sword and gives the man and evil half smile and stands ready, with his right hand he fells bac behind him to re position the gurl, and starts to back slowly away from the market.

::She follows his directions and slowly backs away, watching Corragh.:: He's quick, be careful.

Corragh looked fromt he sword, to the dagger in his own hand. He cast his cast around and then seized a broom setting on the porch of a nearby residence. His gray eyes twinkled and a broad grin pulled the corners of his mouth. He sprinted forward, skirting around the pair of them and vanishing into the shadows. He reappeared a moment later, leaping out from nowhere and swinging the broom handle down at Jame's shoulder, aiming to break his collar bone.

::Screamed lightly and jumped backwards. Deciding against staying she turned and ran down the street, into some shadows. She watched, but from a safe distance.::

James fells her move away from him and turn and sees the man jumping out of the shadows, he trys to move out of the way but the broom handel hims his left shoulder and brakes, james drops to his knees his sword laying in front of him now.

::She bit her lip and finally made a decision. She ran back and jumped on Corragh's back, tear the side of her robe up her calf.::

Corragh sneered down at James..."Funny 'ow jest about an'thing kin be a good weapon eh mate?" He looked fondly at the broom and then was thrown off by the young woman. He recovered quickly...she didn't have that much on him and seized her wrist, aiming to fling her back to the ground.

::She landed beside him and groaned. SHe rocovered quickled and tripped Corragh with her foot.::

James now in some pain stands back up and picks up his sword with his right hand and puts it to the mans troat and says leave, leave now don't let me catch u trying this agian.

Corragh scamperd back to his feet and found the other man's blade at his throat. He smirked, "Course not--" He swung the broom hand around so that it stuck the blade and knocked it back , away from his neck. He whirled around and swung a foot out to fell James before turning back to the young woman, he let loose his dagger with a stunning speed and accuracy seeing he wasn't going to get his choice of techniques tonight. Not even seeing whether or not it had hit. His experience alone told him it would. He knew it would that is to say. He bolted down an alley making sure to thwack James a good one in the ribs with the broom on his way out.

::Gurgled and grabbed the dagger. She pulled it loose and tried to staunch the flow of blood coming from the wound.::

James stands back up and looks over at the gurl and sees that she is bleeding badly from her stomach, james stumbles over to her and helps her up and heads back to his home.

::Limps behind him silently, not making a sound.::

They suddenly see a largish figure in front of them. "Do not be afraid. Tuhai-Bei is my name." The figure steps out into the light and turns out to be a stocky man with a bow in his hand. "I tried to shoot that man attacking you, but had no clear shot. Are you badly hurt?"

::Looks down at her wound then back up at the man.:: Noo...I don't think so.

"Whatever the case, take these." He reaches into one of his pouches and takes out a few dry leaves. "Crush them and apply them to the wound. The weapon may have ebeen envenomed. It may sting a little... Now then, who was that and what did he want?"

::She takes the leaves in her hand, stained with red. She grows more pale by the minuet.:: To kill me....

james now standing next to the girl says to Tuhai-Bei and aks will u help me get he bac to my home so i can give the medical atteion she needs?

"Yes. I have some healing supplies if you need them. Stay close to her. I will keep a sharp eye from the shadows." He nocks an arrow and vanishes into the darkness. "I will follow you closely." Comes a barely audible whisper from nowhere, it seems.

::Follows them, blinking slowly. A sort of haze fogs the edge of her eyes.::

James opens the door as they reach his house and ells the gurl to go over to the bed and lay down, james goes back over to the door an shuts it making sure that no one followied them, james walks over and says let me take a look at that wound.

A small pouch is pried under the door. It smells quite strong, like medicinal plants. Outside, running footsteps fade into the night.

Sarconia and Caius arrive in the Latium Still arm in arm, Caius leads her to his brother's house, and knocks smartly on the door. While they wait for Kaeso, he whispers to her, "It's best if you don't mention the rebellion until I explain things to him. See, ah, he doesn't know I was involved."

Sarconia coughed a little and whispered back, "Ahh... alright I'll say nothing till we've worked things out."

::She looked uncomfortable lying in his bed.:: "What is that?" ::She motions to the herbs on the floor.::

Vicka entered the Latium. The bright sun blinded her, and a strong wind grabbed hold of her robes and tried to pull them off. She wrapped her robes thightly around herself and walked quickly through the buisy streets, trying to remember where Alexander's house was.

Kaeso opened the door and grinned, then blinked at seeing his brother with his arm around Sarconia. He only raised an eyebrow at Caius but greeted both of them warmly, "Caius! Sarconia! How wonderful to see you, please, come in..." He opened the door and gestured for them to enter. Once inside Caius led Sarconia to a counch and whispered to her, "Wait here, I'll explain things and be right back." And with that he pulled Kaeso into his courtyard.

"My little brother, found yourself a woman finally?" Kaeso asked when they got out there, "It's about time."

Caius smirked, "Ah, that's rich coming from you Kaeso, but yes. I'm quite in love with Sarconia... which is partially why I'm here..." He told Kaeso their situation, and revealed that he had been in the rebellion. When he was done he watched Kaeso think quietly. When he did speak it was soft and sincere.

"You've made some huge mistakes, brother. But you have a good heart deep down, you are kin after all." He shook his head, "You may stay here for as long as I can keep you safe, but I do not know how long that will be. We have to make plans for you to leave, Sarconia is right, there isn't much else as an option." He rubbed his hands together, trying to think.

"Kaeso, I can't thank you enough... but will we be endangering you?" he asked, concerned.

" The Caesar knows me well enough, I may even be able to vouch for you- if you do get caught reducing your sentence only to banishment instead of death." He continued, ignoring his brother's grimace at the thought of death, "How close is Sarconia with Leonore? They seemed close friends that day we went to the Pantheon... That seems like years ago." Caius shrugged,

"You'd have to ask her, come I don't like leaving her alone in your house." He said, walking back inside. Kaeso grinned,

"Why? It's not like I have any male servents who are going to steal her away from you." He said and followed him inside as well.
Vicka finally got herself to the place she suspected might be where Alexander lived. She knocked on the front door.
Sarconia saw them walking inside and she stood to greet them. She smiled to Caius and looked at Kaeso warmly.

Kaeso chuckled and offered her a hand, "We never were formally introduced, so here goes, I'm Kaeso. It's nice to finally meet the girl who stole my brother's heart."

Sarconia did a little half cursty, trying not to fall over, and blushed at what he said, "Well I'm Sarconia, yes it's nie to meet you, Caeso speaks highly of you." She said grinning.

Kaeso grinned as well, but then turned serious, "So I hear we're in a bit of a prediciment?"

Sarconia coughed and bit her lip, "Yea... I think we are."
After cleaning up from the gladiator arena, Tuhai-Bei showed up once again in the Latium to try and look for some supplies.

A short time later, Maximus entered the Latium. After hearing of the blood bath in the Coloseum earlier, he decided that it might be good for the welfare of Rome if he had a talk with this barbarian champion. Seeing him in the market place he quickly walks over and places a hand on his shoulder. Half expecting to be attacked because of the surprise, he also places his other hand on the long sword in his belt.

Nilmawen exited one of the buildings wearing a cloak of deep royal blue. She kept her head down and her hood up. Her eyes flickered to take in her surroundings. When she saw Maximus she quickly stepped out of his path.

Maximus presumed correctly.Instinctively grabbing the unknown arm, Tuhai-Bei rolls the owner of it over himself and gets both his massive arms in a choke hold around his neck, ready to break it if the need arises.

Nilmawen's eyes widened and she stood there in shocked horror. She quickly looked around to see if the men had drawn attention but there was no one in the Latium besides them. She turned her attention back to the men, seeing what they would do next.

Slightly surprised at the man's strength, being quite a large man himself, Maximus managed to draw his sword on the flight over the barbarians back and place it against the other mans throat. "Even your tattoos would not protect you from this edge." he said, "Nothing will be gained by needless bloodshed. I wish to speak to you of an alliance. Will you join me in the inn?"

The chamber maid, Nilmawen, turned around so as to not view anymore. While pretending to inspect the goods in her arms she really listened to see what they would do next. She waited, trying to look inconspicoues.

"Oi, another one," said Tuhai-Bei releasing his hold on the legionnaire "Arright, lets hear what you have to say!"

"Another one?" asked Maximus, "Oh, never mind. We'll talk about it shortly. Follow me." He then rose to his feet and strode away towards the inn.

Tuhai-Bei followed him closely, watching warily for any who may be following.

Corragh was lurking down a shadowed alley. Sitting there and leaning against a rouch stone wall he appearred to be sharpening what looked like it may once have been a candleholder. He was muttering under his breath a mixed running dialogue of gaelic, english and fragements of song.

Nilmawen, seeing she was alone again grew uncomfortable. Ever since her inncedent in the ally she had trouble being alone. A light fog began to descend on the streets of Rome, giving it an eerie feeling. Her hand reached out and pulled her cloak tighter around her. Suddenly she heard his voice again. The one that plaged her dreams. She grew frightful, then angry. Quickly her hand snatched her dagger from it's hiding place and she hid in the shadows, watching for the stranger of the ally.

Corragh seemed in fact quite oblivious to anything but the candlestick, an ordinary household item, which he was expertly fashioning into a new and lethal weapon. He began to whistle now, a merry irish jig as it were.

Seeing him so happy brought a scowl to Nilmawen's face. Quickly and quietly she climbed up ontop of some crates behind him. Once behind him she watched him, her dagger positioned at a deadly angle.

It was at that point Corragh got to his feet. Whether this was because he knew she was there or if it was just coincidence could not be said. He pocketed his new dagger and headed off down the alleyway, turning down some shabby and dark shortcut to the inn.

Nilmawen followed him into the inn
Sarconia looked at Caius curiously. "Caius.. perhaps we should be leaving Rome soon.. it's not safe for us to be here." Sarconia said, her voice soft.

back to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2, Ikilios' Palace 3, Ikilios' Palace 4, Ikilios' Palace 5
back to the Colosseum, Colosseum 2
back to the Pantheon, Pantheon 2, Pantheon 3, Pantheon 4
back to Rome

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2004-02-09 [~The Virus~]: we need a link to the inn here

2004-02-09 [Roccoriel]: there ya go, that work?

2004-02-09 [~The Virus~]: yep

2004-02-09 [Roccoriel]: sorry, I gtg to class, I'll be back online at 4 though

2004-02-09 [~The Virus~]: heh, there's a slight time difference at about 4 hours =) I wont be back untill tomorrow, 'cause now it's night in Norway(yay...)

2004-02-09 [~The Virus~]: that's why everybody is online when I'm not. Damn..

2004-02-09 [DeadHead]: *closes eyes* you two stop that now! ;)

2004-02-10 [Rizzen]: everyone go to colosseum 2, myself and Aurelius are having a duel. you don't want to miss it

2004-02-10 [test_drive]: love is everywhere~! ^_^~!

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: yes, isn't it sweet? we've got.. a whole lot of temporary couples..

2004-02-10 [Roccoriel]: it's insane...busy little cupid

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: yes, it's like Romeo and Juliet, only weirder. (and will hopefully not end with death to all)

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: I like Cupid, he's funny, and does good stuff (mainly)

2004-02-10 [Roccoriel]: LOL

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: what's the clock where you live?

2004-02-10 [Roccoriel]: 10 am

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: I have to take a break, to do homework, blah..=(

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: it's 6 pm here

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: well, see you later

2004-02-10 [Roccoriel]: I have to go job hunting and ride my horses...ttyl

2004-02-10 [~The Virus~]: Aw, I must go now..

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